
Collection of raw material

The main indicator of raw material quality is the content of agents or bioactive matters. Therefore, parts of plants or their specific organs are gathered within their period of maximum concentration.

This period coincides with certain development phases (blooming, movement of juice through the stem, fruitage, end of vegetation etc) of various plants. Collection of certain organs of plants or their parts is subject to certain rules.

Leaves should be gathered when they reach their regular size and continue throughout the whole summer till their death (yellowing). However, the best time for gathering leaves is early stages of blooming.

Herb (overground part of herbaceous plants) is picked in the beginning of blooming, and total blooming of some species.

Blossom is gathered during the blooming period, preferably in the beginning thereof.

Fruits are stored up when fully ripe, succulent fruits (berries) just a bit earlier (overripe ones are easily damaged).

All overground parts of plants are gathered in dry weather only. If dew or rain takes place in the morning gathering of raw material should be started only when plants are completely dry. In case of evening dew gathering of raw material should be stopped. Wet raw material tends to longer drying, self-heating and therefore during the drying process may darken and deteriorate.

Avoid gathering dusty and dirty plants, for instance, in the proximity of roads with extensive traffic especially in dry periods of summer and autumn as well as those damaged by pests, diseases and deprived of natural colour.

Primary treatment of raw material

Gathered raw material cannot be left in containers since it is prone to slumping and self-heating due to emission of heat during breathing of parts of the plants still alive. Prior to drying and processing raw material is thoroughly checked. All side plants, dead and damaged parts, stones and dirt are disposed of.

The better primary treatment of raw material is performed prior to drying the less impurity elements will be found in dried raw material and as consequence the higher quality might be attained.

Drying of raw material

After the primary treatment raw material is dried as soon as possible since it looses bioactive matters and deteriorates. The main purpose of drying is to remove humidity which results in termination of vital processes and action of enzymes. The faster raw material is dried the better its quality.

Different types of raw material are dried at different temperature. There are natural (under direct sunlight and shadowed) and artificial (heat) drying methods. Direct sunlight, shadowed and heat.

Shadowed drying is used for coloured parts of plants regardless of their chemical composition (herbs, leaves and blossom) as well as other raw material (underground parts of plants, fruits) containing complex glycosides, alkaloids, ethereal oils. Only uncoloured parts of a plant (underground parts, fruits, seeds) containing saponins, tanning substance, and polysaccharide, organic acids are subject to sunlight drying.

Artificial drying is performed in drying chambers of various types. The advantage of this drying is that the raw materials drys up rather quickly and features good quality. Artificial drying enables to dry plants taking into account temperature conditions necessary for some kinds of plants.

End of drying is determined based upon the following indicators: raw material becomes light; roots, stems break with cracking sound when bent; leaves, blossom and inflorescences are triturable while succulent fruits when squeezed in hand will not crumple.


In accordance with GOST 6077-80 package must be dry, clean, durable and homogenous and, without foreign odour complying with type of raw material and protect it to the maximum possible extent. The standard recommends the following types of packaging: single and double layer fabric bags; single and double paper bags; polyethylene bags; box-shaped packages; plywood and corrugated cardboard boxes.


Raw material ought to be stored in dry, clean and well ventilated premises free from garner pests and protected from direct sunlight (direct sunlight destroys chlorophyll and other pigments as a result of which the raw material gets discoloured (herbs, leaves, blossom and inflorescence) or becomes dark (fruits). Dried raw material is very hygroscopic, therefore, premises located in low places with high humidity of soil and air cannot be used for its storage.

Transportation of raw material

Raw material ought to be transported by dry, clean, free from any foreign odour closed vehicles. Transportation of poisonous raw material containing ethereal oil should be done separately from other types of raw material.

Requirements to quality of raw material

Hypericum. Gathering of hypericum herb is performed during the blossom period prior to appearance of crude seeds. Raw material consists of upper part of the stem 30 cm long with leaves, buds and blossom. Stem and leaf colour is green-grey. Faint balsamic scent. Astringent and bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain: stems and lateral branches – 50%, milled parts – 10%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each. Ash content should not exceed 8%.

Bearwood. Bark gathering is performed in springtime during sap movement (April – May) prior to leaves. Bark covered with lichen and moss is not allowed for gathering. Raw material consists of bark fragments of various length 0.5-2 mm thick. Specific faint scent. Off-flavour, bitterish taste. Humidity shall not exceed 45 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: stems and lateral branches – 50%, milled parts – 10%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each. Ash content should not exceed 5%.

Lime blossom. It is recommended to gather lime blossom during the blooming period. Raw material consists of light yellow blossom and yellow-green leaves surrounding it. Faint aromatic scent. Sweet, slightly astringent taste with mucous flavour. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain: blackened blossom – 4%; inflorescence damaged by pests – 2%; inflorescence with fruits – 2%; other parts of lime and fallen blossom – 15%; foreign organic matters – 0.3%; foreign mineral matters – 0.1%.

Bourtree blossom (Sambucus nigra). Gathering of bourtree blossom is performed during the blooming period. Raw material consists of separate yellowish flowers and buds without pedicle 2-5 mm across. Aromatic scent. Sweet taste with mucous flavour. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: blackened blossom – 8%, pedicles and small branches – 10%; milled parts – 8%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each.

Bottlebrush. Bottlebrush herb is gathered during the summer (June-August) and cut 5 cm above the ground level. Raw material consists of green-gray stems 30 cm long with branches. Specific faint scent. Slightly sour taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: milled parts (less than 1 cm long) – 10%; other parts of plant – 1%, foreign organic matters – 1%; foreign mineral matters – 0.5%. Ash content should not exceed 24%.

Marjoram (Origanum vulgare). Gathering of marjoram herb is performed during the blooming period. According to GOST 21908-76 raw material should consist of upper stem parts up to 20 cm long with leaves and inflorescence. Upper part of leaves is green, lower is light green. Stem colour is sordid green. Spicy and rather astringent flavour. Humidity shall not exceed 10 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: darkened parts – 7%, milled material – 5%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each.

Hawthorn blossom. Hawthorn blossom is gathered in the beginning of blooming period when part of flowers has not yet opened (May). Do not gather inflorescence with opened flowers; when dried the raw material becomes brown. According to DF-X, Article 272, the raw material consists of blossom 15-17 mm across and flowers 3-4 across, separate or consolidated by pairs on pedicles 3.5 cm long. Specific Faint scent. Bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14%. The raw material should not contain more than: brown blossom – 3,5%; other parts of the plant – 3%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 0.5% each.

Motherwort (Leonorus quinquelobaturus). Gathering of herb is performed during the blooming period. Raw material consists of upper stem parts up to 20 cm long and 5 mm thick with leaves and flowers. Stems are reseda. Flower-cups are green-gray. Faint odour. Extremely bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: stems 5 mm thick – 3%, changed colour parts – 5%; milled parts – 10%; foreign organic (2%) and mineral matters – 1%. Ash content should not exceed 12 %.

Pine buds (Pinus silvestris). Pine buds are gathered prior to their gemmation. Raw material consists of “crowns” with 5-7 buds. Buds are pink-brown on the top. Aromatic and resinous scent. Bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: other parts – 10%, milled parts – 5%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 0.5% each.

Foalfoot (Tussilago farfara). Leaves are gathered while having white fibers on their bottom. Raw material consists of leaves 8-15 cm long and 10 cm wide with leafstalk up to 5 cm long. No scent. Bitter taste with mucous flavour. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: brown leaves – 5%, milled parts – 2%; foreign mineral matters – 2%. Ash content should not exceed 20 %.

Chokeberry fruits. Chokeberry fruits are gathered within the period of complete ripening (dark juice appears if fruits smashed). Sour-sweet taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: underripe fruits – 2%, other parts of the plant – 0.5%, fruits damaged by pests – 1%, foreign organic and mineral matters – 0.5%. Ash content shall not exceed 1 per cent.

Black currant (dried) (Ribes nigrum). Raw material consists of separate black fruits with red-brown shade 0.4-1 cm. Faint scent, slightly harsh. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: green fruits – 5%; overdried fruits – 3%; agglutinated – 4%; other parts of black currant – 1%; foreign organic matters – 1%; foreign mineral matters – 0.5%.

Raspberry leaves (Rubus idaeus). Gathering of raspberry leaves is performed during the blooming period. Raw material consists of dark-green leaves 12 cm long and 8 cm wide with leafstalk. Specific aroma and taste. Humidity shall not exceed 12 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: milled parts – 10%, other parts of raspberry – 5%; foreign organic matters – 2%; foreign mineral matters – 1%.

Camomile. Camomile blossom is gathered during the blooming period when tubulous flowers are half open while margin flowers is still closed. Colour of flower is yellow-green. Strong aromatic scent especially when levigated. Bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: blossoms with changed colour – 5%, other parts of camomile – 1%; foreign organic matters – 1%; foreign mineral matters – 0.5%. Ash content should not exceed 12 %. Ethereal oil content should be at least 0.3%.

Calendula flowers. Gathering of calendula flowers starts during the blooming period and lasts till first frosts. Raw material consists of flowers 5 cm across. Yellow-orange colour, slightly aromatic scent. Salt and bitter taste. The raw material should not contain more than: residues off flower-cups – 6%, flower-cups with no flowers – 20; browned flower-cups -3%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 5%. Content of extract substances should be at least 35%, humidity – not more than 14%; ash – not more than 11%.

Thyme herb.Collection of thyme herb is performed during the blooming period. Raw material consists of mixture both leaves and flowers with thin branches. Aromatic scent. Bitter and spicy taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: stems not thicker than 0.5 mm – 10%, foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each. Ash content should not exceed 12%.

Melissa leaves. The best time for gathering raw material is blooming period. Melissa should be properly dried and have nice scent of lemon skin and astringent, bitter/spicy taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: blackened leaves – 4%, other parts of plant – 8%; foreign organic matters – 3%; foreign mineral matters – 1%.

Salvia leaves.Gathering of salvia leaves is performed during the blooming period. Faint aromatic scent. Slightly bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: darkened parts – 5%, milled material – 3%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each.

Ribwort (Рlantago major). Gathering of ribwort leaves is performed during the blooming period. According to FS 42-1439-80 raw material consists of green or brown-green leaves up to 24 cm long and 11 cm wide with 3 to 9 veins. Faint non-specific odour. Bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: darkened and yellowed leaves – 5%, milled parts – 5%; other parts – 1%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each. Extractable substances – at least 30%. Ash content should not exceed 20 %, including non-dissolved ash in 10% HCL – 6%.

Fennel seeds. Gathering of herb is performed during the blossom period. Raw material consists of whole seeds flat inside and convex outside with wider lateral ribs. Aromatic scent. Sweet and spicy taste. The raw material should not contain more than: milled and underripe seeds – 1%, odoriferous seeds of other plants -1%; other parts of fennel -0.6%; foreign mineral matters and milled parts – 0.5%. Content of ethereal oil – at least 3%, humidity – not more than 14 %. Humidity shall not exceed 3 per cent.

Birch-tree buds (Betula pendula Roth). Birch-tree buds are gathered from January till March (prior to gemmation). Raw material consists of oblong buds covered with closely pressed dark-brown tegulae. Bud length – 3-7 mm, bottom width – 1.5-3 mm. Slightly astringent, resinous taste. Balsamic scent especially when levigated. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: other parts of birch-tree – 8%, opened buds – 2%; foreign organic matters – 1%; foreign mineral matters – 0.5%.

Bearberry (Arctostapulos uva-ursi). Leaves are gathered in the beginning of blooming period (April-July). The raw material should not contain more than: brown and blackened leaves – 3%, other parts of the plant – 4%; milled parts – 3%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 0.5% each. Ash content should not exceed 4 %.

Nettle leaves. Nettle leaves are gathered in springtime and beginning of summer (June-July) plucking them from the bottom to the top. Raw material consists of dark-green leaves up to 17 cm long and up to 7 cm wide with leafstalks. Specific aroma. Bitter and herbaceous taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: milled parts – 10%, other parts of nettle – 5%; foreign organic matters – 2%; foreign mineral matters – 1%.

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia). Gathering of lavender flowers commences in 1-1.5 weeks after blooming period has started. The raw material should not contain more than: foreign matters – 2%; stems and leaves – 2%; underripe and overripe inflorescences – 5%. No blackened inflorescences are allowed. Ethereal oil content – at least 1%.

Echinacea purpurea. Raw material consists of Echinacea purpurea inflorescences. They are green coloured with green, crimson and purple inclusions. Faint scent, slightly bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: stem parts – 55, foreign organic matters – 2.5%; foreign mineral matters – 1%; ash content – 12%.

Mint leaves. It is recommended to gather raw material during the blooming period. Colour of leaves should vary from light green to dark green. Strong aromatic scent. Cooling and burning taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14%; ethereal oil content – at least 1%. The raw material should not contain more than: blackened leaves – 5%, other parts of plant – 10%; foreign organic matters – 3%; foreign mineral matters – 1%.

Violet (Viola tricolor). Gathering of herb is performed during the blooming period. Raw material consists of stems 10-25 cm long with leaves (up to 6 cm long and 1 cm wide) and solitary flowers (approximately 1 cm long) which upper leaves are violet, middle ones are light violet and lower are yellow with violet seeds as well as solitary seeds. Faint odour. Slightly sweet taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: yellowed parts – 7%, milled parts – 3%; foreign organic matters – 3%; foreign mineral matters – 1%. Ash content should not exceed 13 %

Milfoil (Achillea millefolium). Gathering of milfoil herb is done during the blooming period. Raw material consists of upper stem part up to 20 cm long with leaves 5-15 cm long and inflorescences 3 to 4 mm long. Aromatic scent. Bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: milled parts – 10%; stems thicker than 3 mm – 3%; foreign organic matters – 0.5%; foreign mineral matters – 1%. Total ash content should not exceed 15%, and ash non-dissolved in 10% HCL – 3%.

Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare). Gathering of tansy flowers is performed during the blooming period. According to ND raw material consists of inflorescence parts and separate flowers 6-5 mm across. Yellow flowers, brown-green cover leaves. Specific camphoraceous odour. Spicy and bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: browned and blackened baskets – 8%, foreign organic matters – 1%; foreign mineral matters – 0.5%; ash – 9%; milled parts – 5%.

Knotgrass (Poligonum aviculare). Gathering of herb is performed during the blossom period. According to FS-1717-81 raw material consist of green gray stems 40 cm long, with light green leaves 3 cm long and 1 cm wide with small rose-pink flowers or white flowers. Faint odour. Slightly astringent flavour. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain: yellowed parts – 3%, foreign organic and mineral matters – 2%.

Centaury (Certanrium minus). Gathering of centaury herb is performed during the blooming period before bottom leaves turn yellow. Raw material consists of stems, leaves and inflorescences. Faint scent, slightly bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 14 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: roots – 1%, foreign organic and mineral matters – 0.5% each. Humidity shall not exceed 7 per cent.

Black currant (dried) (Ribes nigrum). Leaves are gathered in summertime. Raw material consists of separate green or green-gray leaves with leafstalks. Aromatic scent. According to GOST 2145-75 raw material should not contain more than: brown and blackened leaves – 4%, other parts of black currant – 3%; milled leaves – 5%; foreign organic and mineral matters – 1% each. Humidity should not exceed 14 %

Apple (dried). Raw material consists fruit circles. Dried fruits should be elastic and not stick together if squeezed. Colour varies from light yellow to cream. Weight part of fruits including those damaged by pests and diseases and mechanical injuries should not exceed: 10% (burned – 1%, swollen – 2.5%; damaged by pests – 0.5%) Foreign matters of plant origin – 0.5%. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent.

Shepherd’s purse (Capsella bursa pastoris).Gathering of herb is performed during the blossom period. Raw material consists of stems up to 40 cm long with green leaves, yellow-white flowers and underripe green seeds. Specific faint scent. Bitter taste. Humidity shall not exceed 13 per cent. The raw material should not contain more than: yellowed leaves – 3%, milled parts – 2%; foreign organic matters – 2%; foreign mineral matters -1%. Ash content should not exceed 10 %, as well as ash non-dissolved in 10% HCL – 2%.